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Have you filled in the happiness survey yet?

It was emailed out to all parents last Friday and advised about a prize for the home room that gets the most responses - fish n chips with me!!! Please use the link in the Friday email, not the one sent previously. There's still time to fill it in - it'll only take a couple of minutes. Here's how we're looking on Wednesday morning:

Whaea Penny 75% Miss Matthews 74% Miss L 70% Mrs Kelly 69% Whaea Sally 69% Whaea Sonya 58% Whaea Gina 57% Miss Mac 50% Mrs D 45% MC 44% Mrs Yagmich 42% Kayley 40% Whaea Petra 39% Whaea Lisa 38% Mrs Robinson 36% Mrs Hornblow 34% Miss Taylor 30% Mrs Watson 29% Mrs Gillard 23%

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