Inspiring and challenging adventurers, creators and thinkers
Inspiring and challenging adventurers, creators and thinkers
Inspiring and challenging adventurers, creators and thinkers
Inspiring and challenging adventurers, creators and thinkers
Food and drink at school
We encourage children to eat their lunch several times through out the day - and your child's homroom teacher can let you know how that works in their space. Some of the Junior ALS may also have a feed and read time built into their programme in addition the morning tea and lunch break.
We encourage recycling by using reusable bags rather than glad wrap, and all rubbish is taken home in their lunchbox, along with any leftover food.
As much as possible, we encourage children to eat healthily. With this in mind, we strongly discourage you sending chocolate and lollies in school lunches.
At various times throughout the year we may run bake sales to raise money for school camps or other activities. You will be notified of these, and the process for purchasing them for your child in our school newsletter. Usually it's a gold coin per item.
We try to help out by organising lunch options now and then. Here is a summary of what is currently on offer:
Monday to Thursday during Terms 2 and 3 we reheat hot food. Food needs to be pre-cooked, defrosted, wrapped in foil, and clearly named. For safety reasons, we do not heat or provide hot water for pot noodles, soup or liquid items.
Friday Sausage Sizzle: the Year 8 team raise money for their end-of-year fun by organsing the weekly sausage sizzle. All orders are made via Kindo (the deadline is 3pm on a Thursday).
Wednesday Subway is delivered. Orders are made via Kindo (the deadline is 8pm on a Tuesday).
Water is the best drink for school, and you can either send your child with a named drink bottle, or they can use the drinking fountains at school.
For safety reasons, glass bottles and containers are not permitted.
We strongly discourage energy drinks and fizzy drinks (including Prime) at school.