Inspiring and challenging adventurers, creators and thinkers
Inspiring and challenging adventurers, creators and thinkers
Inspiring and challenging adventurers, creators and thinkers
Inspiring and challenging adventurers, creators and thinkers
Cyber Safety
We recognise the role that electronic devices play in education and we are excited about the learning opportunities they provide.
We believe that keeping your child safe while using the internet is a partnership between parents and school. With this in mind, there are two things we need you and your child to complete before they will be allowed to use a device at school:
Please read our Cyber Safety agreement with your child (blue box to the right). It will give you both a clear understanding of your obligations regarding cyber safety and the use of school ICT. There is no longer a requirement to sign a hard copy of this document, as compliance with this policy it is a condition of enrolment.
Check out the resources saved that have been shared with us by John Parsons - a leading Cyber Safety expert (orange box to the right). He has shared some really invaluable tips and tricks to help you keep your child safe online.